Android Help First impression: Google Glass
Published on Tuesday, September 10, 2013
8:05 PM //
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There are only a few thousand testers and developers worldwide who are in possession of a Google Glass.
Until the project reaches marketable and lands for sale can take a while because of all pages at Google will always stressed that you want and let your time-make everything right. I at least had the good fortune now, the data goggles Google headquarters in Hamburg's try a few minutes. For it specially some employees of Google X Labs had traveled from the United States. On the rationale and operation is already so much has been written, that I do at this point simply would like to give my personal impression. The first moment is pretty cool if you just tap on the yoke and enabled by "OK Glass" menu . After that then arises first a disappointment, because you do not really know in a test situation, what you want to say for now. So first took some pictures and Google Now interviewed. Despite what the trial (the operation was of course entirely in English) is striking is how responsive Glass is.
The voice recognition is excellent and very fluid. As the time for the first smartphone, but is determined some time to get to it until you use as a User to the common commands without thinking correctly and on the other, in a packed bus not found it silly to use those. The camera and the Google search queries at first glance very nice gimmicks, the navigation can convince even now. The route to Hamburg Airport or the (numerous) nearest Starbucks stores will appear after a few seconds, and of course, the map rotates dynamically, and adapts to its own position. Google provides the tester versions definitely with regular updates , and extend the functionality. Currently, the gadget has arrived at version XE9 software, with which you can use video from Youtube or watch the music recognition Google Now. Regarding the comfort, the prototypes are so light that you hardly notice. When I pointed out that I could see in the carrying position proposed by the Google expert only the upper part of the small screen, I was told that the first copies were sent individually adjusted to the wearer because Glass is something very personal. How should this work sometime afterwards for the mass market, you have to wait and see. My problem was that I had to lower and thus more BEFORE attract the eye of the screen to see everything.Exactly like Google but not so direct eye contact with the real interlocutors is not disturbed. However laudable approach is only possible when the display is actually set so that you have to look just a touch up, rather than (as I did in this case) already in a somewhat strenuous angle. Absolutely impressed I was against it from the audio playback. The "speaker", the sound outside only transmits vibrations to a bone in the ear and thus can hear also for anyone else, certainly had a sci-fi character that you would expect from something entirely new, not to mention of course of the . super quality and intelligibility, with the glass one by the answers told to the question, what battery life Google because that strives for the final product, I got the answer that Glass should get through the day - as you can fit is evidently unfortunately the current major smartphone / phablet standard to.
More than the already sufficiently themed Google Now functions were unfortunately also not be seen. Although according to Google, a lot of apps are in development - the glasses and software with which I was able to try today is more or less at the same level as it is advertised on the official homepage. When compared for example with the Google I / O over a year ago, as Sergey Brin presented the paratroopers who landed on the Moscone Center, then it can be said that the development team is apparently interested in stable results for everyday life, rather than lurid benchmarks, the home nobody can reproduce. As always, no one knows exactly what Glass is expected to cost at the end and, this way, however, appears reasonable. Finally, I can definitely say that after the short test session a little "want to have" ceased feeling to feel extensively to Google Glass on the tooth.